Monitors for Buildings
Using cables allows monitoring moisture behind wall covers, in attics or crawl spaces or within the roof structure even down into concrete floors, otherwise hard to reach areas.
The meters listed below are set-up to measure building materials. Pins can be from shallow 1/4″ up to 7″ for deep probing. First decide which moisture meter or data logger to choose. Next decide on the pins, screws or probes to reach the spot to be monitored. Last, select the cables to fit probes and meter.
Ligno-VersaTec is the most versatile meter for contractors and inspectors with pin−pinless−RH mode and in-situ concrete test. Use the Data Logger MC/RH Tracker to record measurements.
Readings are obtained by plugging the cables directly into a meter. Adapter H is needed for Lignometer K and Ligno-VersaTec to connect split cable ends. For measurements without cables, add electrode E14-m or E14-V.
Multi-materials, widest range,
pinless dual-depth 1/4″, 3/4″- Electrode E16 concrete
- Electrode E12, E14 wood,…
- Hygrometer and In-situ RH
Screws, Washers, Stand-offs
For monitoring with LP-H cables, LP-mini cables and
LP-HF cables using- Hand meter
- Data loggers
- Wireless transmitters
Pins EG and EL
Teflon-coated pins EG, EL
measuring 3/4” and 7”
EL pins can be shortened- Electrode E14, E16 (E10)
- LP cable for monitor
PK Probes
Teflon-coated probes PKA-PKE
measuring ½” – 2 ¾”- lumber, logs, timber
- Connect with PK-H cables
- Connect with PK-mini cables
PK-H Cable
Connects PK wood probes to:
- Ligno-VersaTec (adapter H)
- Lignometer K (adapter H)
- Switch box, angle connector
PK-mini Cable
Connects PK wood probes to:
- mini-Ligno DX/C
- mini-Ligno S/DC
- mini-Ligno MD/C
- MC Tracker data logger
LP-mini Cable
Connects EL pins, EG pins and
screws directly to:- mini-Ligno DX/C,
- mini-Lignos S/DC, MD/C
- MC Tracker Data Logger
- Add loop nuts for EG and EL
LP-H Cable
Connects pins, screws, angle connector, EMC mobile station via adapter H to:
- Ligno-VersaTec
- Lignometer K
Loop Nuts
Loop nuts attach LP cables to EL and EG pins for monitor:
- EA, EC, EV pins un-coated
- EG, EL pins coated up to 7″
Adapter H
Connects cables from PK probes, pins or screws (split ends) to:
- Ligno-VersaTec
- Lignometer K
Electrode E14-m
Inspection, Restoration, Flooring
Measures up to 7” deep. With- mini-Ligno DX/C
- mini-Ligno S/DC
- mini-Ligno MD/C
Electrode E14-V
Inspection, restoration, flooring
Measures up to 7” deep. With- Ligno-VersaTec
- Lignometer K