Electrode E10

The E10 can be used for wood, wood based products and building materials, soft and hard. An assortment of pins is available for  measurements from 3/16″ up to 7″ deep, teflon-coated and un-coated.

In the restoration industry we recommend using the Electrode E14-m or E14-V, because the slim head allows easier placement to measure hard-to-reach places. Also the handle can be elongated for reaching higher and lower without ladders and crouching.

Electrode E10 can be used with:
— teflon-coated EG and EL pins
— un-coated EA, EC, EV pins

— For Lignometer K and Ligno-VersaTec add E10 with BNC cable.
— For mini-Lignos MD/C, S/DC, DX/C add E10 with mini-BNC cable.

Electrode E10 comes with BNC connector and 1 pair of EC pins.

Choose an option to order E10 with or without cable.

Item Number: E10

Starting at $100.00

Product Description

The Electrode E10 designed for all materials soft and hard, built for great sturdiness when pounding on top of handle.. We offer a wide selection of pins from un-insulated pins EC to the far reaching 7″ long pins.

Pins can be inserted by hammering on top of the virtually unbreakable electrode handle or by grasping the handle and pushing the pins into softwood or soft building materials.

The elongated base serves as level to pull pins out. Add wall probe EL for checking EIFS.

The electrode E10 can be connected to

A cable connector (BNC) is mounted at the head of the electrode. The cable to connect to the meter needs to be ordered separately.
For Lignometers: BNC Cable
For mini-Ligno C’s: mini-BNC Cable

Pins to fit Electrode E10:
teflon-coated pins EG and EL 
un-coated pins EC, EA, EV

For more information please contact Customer Service at 1-800-227-2105.

Lignomat USA Ltd, 14345 NE Morris Crt., Portland OR 97230, USA,
Email: sales@Lignomat.com, www.Lignomat.com