Know more about Lignomat pin vs pinless moisture meters from our product page.
Please go through our brochure to find the best moisture meter that meet your need.
Advantages of Pin Moisture Meters
Versatility – Pin moisture meters can measure all thicknesses from veneer to lumber to logs, from wet to dry, from flat boards to round or oddly shaped pieces.
Another Advantage of pin moisture meters is their ability to connect different attachments to measure in places, which cannot be reached with the built-in pins of moisture meters. We offer electrodes (hand probes) with insulated pins for wood and other materials as well as extension cables to be used with in-kiln monitors or in restoration jobs or for building surveillance.
Advantages of Pinless Moisture Meters
Quick and Easy – In a short time a large number of boards can be scanned. No effort is needed to push pins into woods. No pin holes are left when using a pinless meter. That is crucial, when measuring finished products or installed wood floors.
Low Moisture – Lignomat’s pinless meters measure lower moisture content than pin meters. Great for checking wood floors, when low relative humidity has dried out the floor planks.
Measuring Depth Matters – Dual Depth 1/4” and 3/4”: Standard pinless meters are calibrated for a material thickness of 3/4”. That means, accurate readings are only possible, if the product is at least 3/4” thick. Dual-depth selection allows measuring thinner products accurately. Engineered wood floors can also be measured more accurately using a dual-depth meter.
Hard to decide on choosing pin vs pinless moisture meters? Check our “all-in-one” versatile moisture meter – Ligno VersaTec. The Ligno-VersaTec combines the accurate and dependable measuring technologies of Lignomat’s pin, pinless and RH meters. Click here for more product information.
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