
Package K2-M


For measuring moisture when accuracy and reliability count. Used throughout the wood manufacturing process, from drying lumber to checking the finished products. For installing and inspecting wood floors and for restoration projects.

Can also be used to measure non-wood materials: textiles, vinyl, carpets, insulation, plastics, concrete, brick and tile.


Lignometer K features Lignomat’s most advanced pin measuring technology with a wide moisture range, over 170 individual correction settings and built-in wood temperature corrections for hot and cold lumber. Delivers outstanding reliability, great measuring accuracy and stable calibrations for all measurements.

Electrode E12 measures moisture from surface to core with insulated pins up to 2″ deep. Slide-hammer electrode allows taking consecutive readings to determine the moisture distribution within the material. Measuring depth of 2″ allows checking timbers, beams, thick slabs, structural lumber and floors and subfloors without removing floor planks. 

Item Number: K2-M


987 in stock

Product Description

Package K2-M

The K2-M package uses the Lignometer K, a professional wood moisture meter, the slide-hammer electrode E12 to detect high, low or uneven moisture in wood and a great variety of other materials. The E12 electrode is added for in-depth measurements to determine true moisture levels from surface to core up to 2″ deep with insulated pins, even behind wet surfaces.

The package K2-M consists of:

Click here for details.

The Lignometer K incorporates reliability, calibration accuracy and ease-of-operation with over 150 individual wood species corrections, a wide measuring range 5-99% and built-in wood temperature corrections. Unsurpassed accuracy is guaranteed even in the critical range below 8%. The Lignometer K has proven to perform well in rough mill environments with day-to-day usage a professional wood moisture meter

A BNC connectors is installed in the top of the meter for pin electrodes and for in-kiln or extension cables (with Adapter H) is installed in the top of the meter. 

Calibration Consistency: The Lignometer K has proven to be a trustworthy meter. The circuitry has been designed to be stable in extreme ambient conditions. The calibration is checked before each measurement and if necessary, automatically adjusted. These “background checks” before measurements assure calibration consistency for every reading for Lignomat’s K meter. Manual re-calibration by the customer is not necessary. Lignomat offers an external calibration check block TP to confirm the accuracy of the meter.

Electrode E12: The E12 is designed to measure from the surface to 2″ deep (with DB pins). All E12 pins are insulated and measure only at the tip. The slide hammer helps inserting and removing the pins. As pins are hammered into the material, consecutive readings show the moisture distribution within the material at every depth level the pins are driven to. The ability to measure a moisture gradient is one of the main reasons for our customers to use the electrode E12. No other tool can accomplish that task.

Wood: Taking numerous readings as pins are inserted, indicate if a moisture gradient exists or if the wood is dry throughout the core. Making sure wood is evenly dried is the best assurance for quality wood products. The thicker the wood, the more important core readings become. When inspecting wood floors, using the E12 gives you a tool to assess moisture distribution through floor planks into the sub floor without having to remove any floor planks. No other tool can achieve the same measuring accuracy at a defined depth. 

Lumber: Using the slide-hammer electrode E12 is the industry standard when drying lumber. It is important to be able to measure surface and core moisture at any stage of the drying process to avoid degrade during drying and to find out when the wood is evenly dried at the end of the kiln charge.

Restoration: The moisture in structural components even behind wall coverings can be checked with the electrode E12. When assessing water damage, the pins of the E12 can be driven to different depth levels and thus indicate how far water has been absorbed or if there is still residual moisture inside the structure after drying. Insulated pins can measure dry material behind wet surfaces. 

We recommend adding the electrode E14-V, if the round head of the E12 cannot reach the area to be measured or if measurement should reach deeper than 2″. (Package K24-M)

The electrode E12 comes with 1 pair each of 1″ pins and 1 pair of 1.5″. The 2″ long pins need to be ordered separately.
E12 pins are teflon coated to only measure at the tip and come in three sizes:

– DZ Pins insulated, measuring depth 1”
– DA Pins insulated, measuring depth 1.5”
– DB Pins insulated, measuring depth 2” (order separately)

Used for moisture control in wood throughout the manufacturing process, from
drying lumber to checking the finished product. Lumber mills and furniture
manufacturers use the meter to make sure QC requirements are followed. Floor
installers and inspectors use the Lignometer K with depth electrode to measure
subfloors without removing floor planks. In the restoration industry dry materials
can be measured behind a wet surface.


Adding electrode E14-V to easier reach critical areas during restoration work. Package K24-M
Adding in-kiln cables or in-kiln monitor allows measuring inside a kiln without entering a hot kiln. Package K2-11.

For more information please contact Customer Service at 1-800-227-2105.

Lignomat USA Ltd, 14345 NE Morris Crt., Portland OR 97230, USA,


Description   Item List $ Package $    
Package K2-M consists of:            
1 Lignometer   K-0 315.00 308.00    
1 Electrode E12   E12 113.00  106.00    
1 BNC Cable   BNC 23.00 22.00    
1 Case M   C-M 37.00 35.50    
Total Package price      488.00 464.00    


Package Includes

Lignometer K

Pin mode. Meter comes with a BNC connection for external electrodes or in-kiln cables, manual, laminated species card and battery.

The Lignometer K has 150 individualized correction settings for domestic and tropical wood species, bamboo, gypsum and wall boards (water resistant, interior and exterior). Wood temperature corrections are built-in.

Electrode E12

Electrode is equipped with a slide hammer to insert and extract the teflon-coated pins. A BNC connector is mounted at the electrode head to connect the cable.
Incl. 1 pair each DA pins (1.5″) and DZ pins (1″ measuring depth)

BNC Cable

Cable connects Electrode E12 to
Lignometer K and Ligno-VersaTec
standard length 3ft, optional 6ft

Case M

The black hard-shell case comes with handle and foam insert for protection. Designed to fit meter and Electrode E12 and accessories.