The Ligno-Scanner SD pinless moisture meter indicates true wood moisture percentages corrected for different wood species. Wood species and corresponding settings are listed on a laminated species card included with each moisture meter. Wood species corrections can also be custom programmed by entering the specific gravity between 0.3 and 1.0. A reference scale has been added to allow comparing different moisture levels in laminates and building materials, useful when searching for high moisture levels in walls, ceilings and floors after water damage.
Another pinless advantage: Pinless moisture meters from Lignomat measure lower moisture contents than pin meters for hardwoods. A great advantage for the flooring industry in areas of low relative humidity and high desert climate zones.
The Ligno-Scanner SD is a dual-depth, pinless moisture meter ideal for woodworking. The meter has 2 independent sets of calibrations, one for measuring 1/4″ deep and one for measuring 3/4″ deep. Dual-depth settings are available for all wood species settings and the reference scale, an advantage over standard pinless meters, which have a fixed 3/4″ measuring depth.
This unique dual-depth feature (only from Lignomat) adds versatility whether you are woodworking, manufacturing furniture, installing floors or working a restoration job.
Proven technology and quality design have given the pinless moisture meters from Lignomat a great reputation. You can always count on accuracy, reliability and consistency – today, tomorrow, in a year, for you and your associates elsewhere.