Pinless Moisture Meter: Ligno-Scanner SDM
← The pinless moisture meter Ligno-Scanner SDM is one of our most popular pinless meters used mainly in the flooring and restoration industry.
The Ligno-Scanner SDM is a dual-depth pinless moisture meter with 1/4″ and 3/4″ measuring depth. The meter is set to measure domestic and tropical hardwoods, engineered products, panel products, subfloors, bamboo and drywall. Reference scales are available to evaluate moisture levels in other materials including concrete, stone, tile.
In the restoration industry, you can use the SDM to scan large areas quickly to find high and low moisture areas. But the meter also gives accurate wood moisture measurements in floors and other wood products.
All pinless moisture meters from Lignomat (listed below) are set up to indicate moisture in wood in percent. Choose the Ligno-Scanner SDM for measuring depth 1/4″ and/or 3/4″ and for the ability to measure additional materials besides wood.
Packages with
Ligno-DuoTec BWPinless – RH Modes
for wood and other materials- Pinless, dual-depth 1/4″, 3/4″
- Use as Thermo-Hygrometer
- For in situ concrete testing
Packages withLigno-VersaTec
Pin – Pinless – RH Modes
for wood and other materials- Pinless, dual-depth 1/4″, 3/4″
- Pin electrodes E16, 14, 12,
- Use as Thermo-Hygrometer
- For in situ concrete testing