Lignomat Kiln Control Division Beta
Latest computer technology for software and hardware solution has been applied to develop a wide variety of monitor and control systems for:
- new and existing kilns
- hardwood and softwood kilns,
- small and large kilns, pre dryers
- different types of kilns, conventional kilns, dehumidification kilns, vacuum kilns
- heat treatment, conditioning rooms,…
Lignomat’s kiln controls and monitors have a good reputation world-wide due to:
- Best in Class
- Quality
- Functionality
- User-friendly Design
- Customer Support

We have been committed for over 40 years to making the best, competitively-priced control systems to fit our various customers requirements and we offer professional, customer-oriented lifetime support.
For assistance to select the right system call
Customer Service at
Our Kiln Products

Kiln Control Systems
Efficient, user-friendly, production of high grade lumber
- Package Kilns
- Track Kilns
- Single Zone
- Milti Zone
- Conventional Kilns
- Dehumidification Kilns
Our focus has been kiln controls for over 40 years from engineer to receptionist.

Predryer Control Systems
Efficient, user-friendly, production of high grade lumber
- Free sensor movement
- Visual diagnostic tools
- 2-8 sensors per zone
- User-friendly interface
- Custom design layout
- Sensor selection
Ideal way to store and prepare your lumber for an optimal kiln drying process. Uniformity of hardware/software for both pre dryers and kiln controls.

Master Control MP 32
Efficient, user-friendly, production of high grade lumber
- Fast & free remote control
- Smart network platform
- Stand alone option
- Triple layer diagnostics
- Automatic text alerts
- Multi-layer security
- Parameter control
- Not PC dependent
- Remote data backup
A prime example of technology working in your favor. Integrated customer inspired options and control interface.

Universal Wireless Monitors
From vacuum kiln to concrete slab
- Real time data
- Excel friendly
- Full gemut of sensors
- Heat treatment docs
- Easy set-up installation
- Up-to-the minute values
- Remote log-in
- No charge for data transfer
- 1 year full warranty, then progressive warranty
Our focus has been kiln controls for over 40 years from engineer to receptionist.
Industrial Controls & Monitoring Systems for Dry Kilns with Wireless and Wirebound Probes
First-rate Customer Service
Large and small, every customer counts. Lignomat’s reputation is based on your success. Customer support paired with quality and flexibility is our key.
- Lifetime support
- Main Focus on controlling
- Parts exchange program
- Service contract option
- Custom software updates
- Analytic trouble shooting
- Phone and on-site service
The most complete line of kiln control systems and monitoring systems for the lumber, flooring, stave, treated lumber and furniture industries.
Lignomat USA Ltd. is the first company to offer kiln control systems with these unique features:
Wireless communication of MC and EMC measurement inside a kiln
Completely digital data transfer of Wood Moisture Content, Temperature and EMC from measuring points inside the kiln to the Control Process Center.
Automatic, Real Time, Personnel/Event Specific, Text/Email Alerts.
Internet Compatibility Between Client and Server Software Modules.
These technological advancements are only available from Lignomat. Lignomat’s Kiln control systems offer more accurate measurements of MC and EMC especially in the low range.
The increased accuracy is enhanced by the completely digital data transfer between data acquisition modules, process control modules and operator interface. Interference due to electrical noise are virtually eliminated. Operating stability is increased. This applies also to any stand-alone monitor for MC and EMC and Temperature
Due to the digital data processing, the wireless in-kiln systems in kiln controls and stand-alone monitors only require one four conductor cable. The cable runs from the kiln directly to the kiln setpoint controller (KCM/KCU) typically installed in the kiln control room or to the PC where data from the monitoring system can be reviewed. The kiln operator can enter drying schedules, execute operational changes if needed, review data and drying history at the user interface on PC, smart phone or touchscreen display.
Installation and maintenance are very easy with a wireless system as less cable and hardware is required. The new technology offers a maximum in cost efficiency, operational stability and ease of operation.
Wood core temperature stations stations for heat treating applications are also available.
Predryers: The wireless measuring systems offer new possibilities for predryer controls. All sensors for wood moisture, EMC and temperature communicate wireless with several receivers located inside the predryer. Long sensor cables inside predryers are eliminated, making installation, operation and maintenance a lot easier. The system offers complete freedom in placement of sensors without having to install or move any cables – a great advantage.
The same advantages apply to Lignomat’s wireless monitor using wireless probes. Long cable runs are eliminated. Transmitters are placed within the kiln charge and communicate with one or more receivers depending on coverage needs. The receivers are connected to a the PC for data logging and display.
Fully Automatic Full Feature Dry-Kiln Controller – Lignomat netKCS
Wireless In-kiln Moisture Probes – Require very minimum in-kiln wiring. Option for high temp kilns: Wirebound in-kiln connections from sensors to data acquisition center outside of kiln.
Automatic, personnel/event specific, selectable text alerts, standard.
Latest AHDRC & HVI (Heat/Vent Interlock) software modules. Up to 16 Wood Moisture Probes (MC) per kiln – Six probes is standard.
The standard kiln control systems from Lignomat are the base for the design of a system that fits your needs. Call 800-227-2105 for more information and a quote.